Thursday, April 9, 2009

on Why We Write Like Idiots

The discussion arose out of much timid laughter and brazen apologies. Too many people had insulted too many shipwrecked homophobes, only to end up with this scantily applied "worth saver" called Democracy. To wade in this newly formed government, amusing in theory to some, I decided to go on a lofty tanget about how Mildred's asshole reminded me much of New Jersey: full of shit.

See, back in the 1670s, they had these things called "jokes," named after Douche Earl the Duke of Jokes. He became wildly popular with his legendary scurvy impersonations. He actually just really hated vitamins, and was trying to make the trend of avoiding fruit popular. So anyway, I tried to match the Duke's clever attitude towards "laughter," at least that's what we used to call it. I think today's youth refer to it as "anal leakage," thus explaining Dane Cook's notoriety. Oh boy, is he boisterous!

1 comment:

  1. There were boobs in Good Luck Chuck. I tried the whole avoiding fruit thing too when it was considered trendy. Now, it's trendy to eat fruit so I just eat pussy.

    For cereal, I think Jersey came after New Jersey...but really do you have negative comments about democracy?

    Sometimes I think we trade democracy for honesty in that you are pulling to fuck over other people to make it to a better place in their own free world. I mean, I think if you start leaning tilt toward Communism, there's a certain point where selfishness is replaced for thoughtfulness...only in certain realms and to certain degrees of course.

    I'm just saying I love the fact that I have the freedom to type what I'm typing, but if I were the President, people wouldn't wiping their asses with money while others can't afford to give their kids an education or a doctor. No fucking way.

    That said, parents who fail my 29 question test on life, would be shot, and the children would be spade and neutered and then be used for science.
